Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Archive for the ‘Adults’ Category

New Curriculum and Pilot Program Affirms Adults with Autism Want to be Loved

I Aspire to Be Me, LLC (I AM) is a service provider committed to dispelling the myth that adults with autism do not seek meaningful intimate relationships. It’s important for society to recognize this population can and does desire intimacy, just like everyone else. Unfortunately, they often lack...

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit

Autism does not end with childhood, it is lifelong. Most publicly funded services end for autistics when they reach the age of 18. With over 5.4 million autistic adults in the US, it’s time we have a platform to discuss this topic of adult autism. Thanks to their generous sponsorship, The...

Sharing an Adult Autism Diagnosis with Family, Friends, and Community

The successful British author Matt Haig spent a lot of time in self-reflection at the height of the pandemic. During this time, at 46 years of age, he was newly diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) along with having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In light of being...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Afternoon

Every day there are countless opportunities for partners to create small connecting moments to enhance emotional connection in their relationship. Taking advantage of these little moments can make for big changes in your relationship dynamics. “Having a Good Afternoon” is the second of the...

How to Get Unstuck After Receiving an Adult Autism Diagnosis

When I was diagnosed ASD level 1 at age 42 and realized what the staggering number of undiagnosed autistic women my age* must be, my first thought was of all the untapped talent that was out there in the world like misplaced dynamite. There was world-changing potential just waiting to be...

How My Autism Diagnosis Helped Me Accept Myself and Lead a Happier Life

Throughout my life, I have faced significant challenges. These were most notable as a child, particularly in terms of social and sensory issues. My sensory issues used to be extreme. I couldn’t bear to be in a room where any cupboard doors were open, the sight of certain fruits caused me strong...

Why Didn’t My Pre-Diagnosis Clinicians Bring Up the Possibility of Autism?

So much was lost as a result of not knowing for so long. Lost happiness, because of having to contend with unanswered questions as to why I faced such daunting challenges which none of my peers seemed to be facing. Lost time, during which I lived without a complete picture of who I truly am, during...

Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Older Autistic Women

Autism has a unique neurological structure with a wide variety of expressions. This diversity of strengths, challenges, and experiences is why autism is considered a spectrum disorder. It’s also what makes it challenging to diagnose and treat because the myriad of symptoms manifested in any given...

I Was Finally Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, Now What?

I suspected I was on the Autism Spectrum for over 20 years before I finally received a diagnosis. Like many people with high-functioning autism, my autism went unnoticed because I was intelligent enough to succeed in school and my autistic traits were not seen as neurodivergent, but as learning...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Morning

Many neurodiverse couples struggle with emotional connection and intimate communication. They yearn for a romantic touch, a knowing glance, a kind gesture to make them feel close. These little things make a big difference in an intimate relationship. And when these small connecting moments do not...