Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Health and Wellness’ Category

Autism and ADHD: DSM-5 Conditions with Significant Symptom Overlap

In the last twelve years, a number of peer reviewed studies have demonstrated the elevated incidence of ADHD symptoms within populations of children receiving DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 diagnoses of Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not...

Three Expert Tips for Realizing Your Wellness Goals

When we don’t feel well, it seeps into every aspect of our lives. Lethargy, a poor attitude, inertia, and even maladaptive coping mechanisms can be common signs that we aren’t operating optimally. Although social skills and career skills hog much of the limelight as important areas of function...

Healthy Weight Management for Youth on the Autism Spectrum: What We Know and How to Help

With obesity a growing epidemic in the United States, much attention has been placed on weight loss and healthy weight management. Unfortunately, research has shown that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at an increased risk of struggling to maintain a healthy weight (Tyler,...

Integrated Healthcare and Autism Spectrum Disorders

For families with a loved one diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), navigating the health care system and accessing services can be a significant challenge. In fact, a 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs examining the relationship between a child’s...

Are You Mindful or Is Your Mind Full?

In today’s ever-changing and fast-paced world, the concept of being in the present moment and practicing mindfulness has never been more important. This is especially true as it relates to young adults as they begin navigating the college environment. For those learners who have been diagnosed...

Exercise and Dietary Choices: Practical Advice Drawn from a Review of Current Literature

Obesity rates for children in the U.S. have risen significantly over the last decade. Currently one third of all children between the ages of 2 and 19 years in the general population are described as overweight or obese (Curtin, Jojic, & Bandini, 2014). Drawing from data provided in the...

Let’s Get Physical: Exercise and Health Issues in Adults with Autism

The research is clear: autistic adults are spending way too much time on the couch. While children with autism may flourish by taking advantage of numerous opportunities for group exercise and team sports, these activities become increasingly scarce after they “age out” of school at age 21....

Mindfulness and ASD

Over the last couple of years, mindfulness, in particular Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), has been receiving more attention in the media. Mindfulness is often discussed as a new tool for managing life’s stressors and problems and, perhaps, a better way of approaching our daily lives....

The Immune System in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Recent evidence implicates the immune system in some cases of autism spectrum disorders. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, Johns Hopkins, and the Kennedy Krieger Institute have found that some mothers of children with autism produce autoantibodies that target the developing fetal...

Incorporating Exercise in a Healthy Lifestyle for Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Addressing the needs of adults on the autism spectrum would be remiss if it failed to include the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. The United States is faced with an obesity epidemic that affects people of all ethnic backgrounds and types of disabilities. Currently 2/3 of the population of the...