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Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Preparing the Field of Disabilities Services for Managed Care

August 27th, 2018, marked the first day in a series of webinar trainings designed to help providers of services to people with disabilities prepare for and transition to Managed Care. New York completed its first significant step in the transition with regional implementation of Care...

2018 Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation “Leader in Adult Autism Award” Presented to Neal Katz at Autism Society of America National Conference

The 2018 Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Leader in Adult Autism Award was presented to 24-year-old ‘disability emissary’ Neal Katz during a Keynote Luncheon at the Autism Society of America’s 50th Annual National Conference, held this year in Washington, D.C., July 10-12. Foundation president...

Michael Gilberg, Self-Advocate and Special Education Attorney, Joins Autism Spectrum News Editorial Board

Mental Health News Education, Inc. (MHNE), publisher of Autism Spectrum News, is proud to announce that Michael Gilberg, Esq., Special Education Attorney, has become the newest member of the ASN Editorial Board. David Minot, Associate Director of MHNE and Publisher of Autism Spectrum News...

NIH Awards Nearly $100 Million for Autism Centers of Excellence Program

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awards nine research grants totaling nearly $100 million over the next five years for the Autism Centers of Excellence (ACE), a program that supports large research projects aimed at understanding and developing interventions for autism spectrum disorder...

Berklee to Launch the Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs This Fall

Berklee will launch the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs in the fall of 2017. The institute will provide opportunities for individuals with special needs to learn about, experience, and create in the arts. It will offer community programs, learning opportunities for...

Fragile X Drug Trial Gets $11.5 Million in NIH Funding – UC Davis Mind Institute to Research Promising Therapy for Language Learning

The UC Davis MIND Institute and Rush University Medical Center have been awarded $11.5 million from the National Institutes of Health to test a new therapy designed to improve language learning for children fragile X syndrome. Fragile X syndrome is a single-gene disorder and the most common...

Linda J. Walder Joins Autism Spectrum News Editorial Board

Mental Health News Education, Inc. (MHNE), publisher of Autism Spectrum News (ASN), is proud to announce that Linda J. Walder, Esq., Founder and Executive Director of The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation, has become the newest member of the ASN Editorial Board. Linda J. Walder is the Founder...

Howard Savin, PhD, Joins Autism Spectrum News Editorial Board

Mental Health News Education, Inc. (MHNE), publisher of Autism Spectrum News (ASN), is proud to announce that Howard Savin, PhD, Senior Vice President of Autism Quality and Outcomes at Beacon Health Options has become the newest member of the ASN Editorial Board. Howard A. Savin, PhD, is a...

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Announces Groundbreaking Initiatives at Yale School of Medicine and University of Miami CARD

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation (DJFF), the nation’s first not-for-profit organization to focus exclusively on adults living with autism, has launched two groundbreaking initiatives designed to enrich the lives of autistic individuals throughout their lifespan. With endowment gifts of...

It Takes Brains to Solve Autism

The Simons Foundation, Autism Speaks, the MIND Institute and the Autism Science Foundation have announced the launch of the Autism BrainNet, and encourage individuals with autism and their families to register to become tissue donors at Autism BrainNet is a consortium...