Archive for the ‘Summer 2012 Issue’ Category

Tips to Promote Caregiver Emotional and Physical Health

Autism is oftentimes confusing, unpredictable and hard to manage. As parents and caregivers you are required to traverse the highs and lows of the autism diagnosis. From the outset of parental/caregiver concern to the day your loved one receives the diagnoses on the autism spectrum and everyday...

Using Relationships to Support Children with ASD

Working with children, whether as a parent, teacher, or caregiver, is an inherently social process. This is no different when we are talking about children on the autism spectrum. In order to impact children with ASD, the adults in their lives need to employ a set of activities, strategies, and...

Everyone Can Play – Using Theatre to Promote Developmental Gains

When curtain call begins for my students, the look of pride on their faces is magical. The beaming faces of their parents, though, tell a fuller story. I teach theatre to children and young adults on the autism spectrum, and many times the concept of a full theatrical production seems like an...

Vital Services to Promote Child and Family Resilience

It is common knowledge that having a child with ASD has an impact on the family, and the family has a profound impact on the developing child. Why then are there so few services to support families as they deal with the cumulative challenges they face managing child behavior, family relationships,...