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Archive for the ‘Summer 2020 Issue’ Category

Interpersonal Relationships and Social Engagement in a Virtual Landscape

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has identified communication and interaction with others as specific areas of deficit for many individuals with ASD. Difficulty making eye contact, initiating and sustaining a conversation, code switching, and perspective taking are...

Helping Parents Address Challenging Behaviors During These Challenging Times

There is a clear consensus that children with disabilities are the most vulnerable to both short- and long-term effects of COVID-19 (United Nations, 2020). This is particularly true for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (here forward autism) for whom the sudden disruptions in educational and...

Displaying Courage, AHRC NYC Staff Support People with I/DD in Group Homes and Remotely with Technology

Months into our response to the COVID-19 epidemic, we have suffered heartbreaking losses and struggled through many challenges. Through it all, our staff’s extraordinary devotion, caring and tireless efforts to support people with disabilities, their families, and each other, has been...