Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Submit an Article

Before you start writing, please contact us to discuss your idea for a topic. Article topics related to the issue’s theme are preferred, but other topics will be accepted upon approval from the publisher.

Article Submission Guidelines
ASN Media Kit

Please consider advertising alongside your article to our engaged readership of over 400,000.

* All published content, including paid advertising, must be approved by the Editorial Board to be evidence-based, trusted information and education that is based in science.

Editorial Calendar

Issue Theme Deadline Est. Release
Fall 2024 Supporting and Empowering Autistic Adults 8/28/24 10/1/24
Winter 2025 Understanding and Developing Communication Skills 12/4/24 1/7/25
Spring 2025 Improving Physical and Emotional Wellness 3/5/25 4/9/25
Summer 2025 Understanding the Impact of Stigma 6/11/25 7/8/25