The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit

Autism does not end with childhood, it is lifelong. Most publicly funded services end for autistics when they reach the age of 18. With over 5.4 million autistic adults in the US, it’s time we have a platform to discuss this topic of adult autism.

Thanks to their generous sponsorship, The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit will be held on April 18, 2023. A diverse array of panelists will provide insights in areas including but not limited to employment, housing, postsecondary and support systems including guardianship.

Autism is characterized by social and communication challenges and in some instances accompanied by co-occurring conditions. In the U.S. 1 in 44 are diagnosed with boys being diagnosed 4 times as often as girls. This means that no matter if you have a child with autism, a family member on the spectrum, or know of someone with autism, you will know of someone with autism in your lifetime making awareness events like this only that much more imperative. Autism is also lifelong with over 5.4 million autistic adults in the U.S.

This event spearhead by Dr. Kerry Magro a 35-year-old internationally known speaker on the autism spectrum who has spoken at over 1150 events worldwide in the past 12 years. Kerry hopes to bring in a personal perspective to highlight the significance of this topic.

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation for Adult Autism Breakthrough Summit will take place on Zoom and will be $10 for professionals, $5 for autistic self-advocates and free for current students. To register for this event as a student you must register here with a valid .edu email address. You will receive a link to the Zoom event via email after registering. If you cannot attend the day of the event as part of your registration fee you will receive a free video download of Summit link for INTERNAL USE ONLY post event. If applicable from presenters/panelists we will also provide a free download of all Summit PowerPoint presentations and handouts from the day.

Those who attend the entire summit on 4/18/23 will receive a certificate of completion. Personalization requests of the certificate can be sent to

Register Here!

If you have any questions on the event email Dr. Magro at


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