Columbia University Study Refutes Connection Between MMR Vaccine and Autism
In a case-control study, the presence of measles virus RNA was no more likely in children with autism and GI disturbances than in children with only GI disturbances. Furthermore, GI symptom and autism onset were unrelated to MMR vaccine timing. Study findings are reported online in the Public...
Autism’s False Prophets – Dr. Paul Offit Speaks Candidly about Childhood Vaccines with Autism Spectrum News
Autism Spectrum News recently sat down with Dr. Paul Offit, author of the newly released book “Autism’s False Prophets” and Chief of Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). The book examines the theory that vaccines cause autism and the cottage industry of...
Autism and Culture: An International Perspective – An Interview with Dr. Roy Richard Grinker
Recently, Autism Spectrum News spoke with anthropologist and author Roy Richard Grinker, PhD about his fascinating research on autism in other cultures and his thoughts about the view that there is an epidemic of autism. Dr. Grinker is Professor of Anthropology and the Human Sciences at the George...
Doctor Thomas Insel Speaks with Autism Spectrum News
Autism Spectrum News had the unique opportunity to interview Thomas R. Insel, MD. Dr. Insel is the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institutes of Health. We are delighted to present Dr. Insel and his candid discussion on the subject of autism. Q: Dr. Insel,...