Technology Opens Doors for College Students on the Spectrum

Individuals with autism spectrum disorders are entering college in increasing numbers (USDOE, 2011). These students may benefit from the many opportunities enjoyed by non-disabled college students, but they may also find college much more challenging. Disability services mandated by ADA such as...

The Use of Pre-Post Test Designs to Evaluate Effectiveness of Autism Treatments

This current issue of Autism Spectrum News focuses on understanding and accessing clinical treatment services. A prerequisite to accessing clinical treatment is to understand what treatments might be effective and have a chance of delivering positive results. And a prerequisite to determining what...

Relationship Development Intervention: A Review of Its Effectiveness

The theme of this issue of Autism Spectrum News is “Advances in Autism Science.” One facet of autism science is the adherence to “evidenced-based practice” (EBP); a requirement that those who work with persons with autism – teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, etc. – use...