Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Functional Skills Training for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The acquisition and maintenance of functional skills are among the most important educational targets for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Functional skills are the skills we possess that allow us to take care of ourselves and function independently in our natural environment. For most...

Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior for Adults with ASDs

As individuals with autism age out of the educational system, families are faced with a number of challenges. Maladaptive behavior, in particular, can be a significant stressor for families of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). While estimates of the prevalence of problem behavior vary...

Interventions for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and How Best to Evaluate Their Effectiveness

Autism is a complex disorder characterized by significant deficits in social reciprocity and communicative ability as well as the presence of repetitive behavior/restricted interests. Given the heterogeneous nature of autism, many interventions have emerged with disputed claims of effectiveness....