Preparing the Field of Disabilities Services for Managed Care

August 27th, 2018, marked the first day in a series of webinar trainings designed to help providers of services to people with disabilities prepare for and transition to Managed Care.

New York completed its first significant step in the transition with regional implementation of Care Coordination Organizations (CCOs) throughout the state. The Managed Care Community of Practice, a project of the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation, will aid further in the transition by offering training, technical assistance and resources to all providers of disabilities services.

This will include:

  • Understanding the principles and concepts commonly associated with managed care (e.g. managing risk, utilization management, prior authorization)
  • Guiding providers through the operational changes necessary to function and thrive in managed care (e.g. information technology and billing system requirements, grievance procedures, interface with other service providers)
  • Factors to consider when contracting with managed care organizations
  • Demonstrating impact and value in preparation for value-based payments

Funds in the 2018-19 State Budget enable the New York Alliance for Inclusion & Innovation to launch this technical assistance project. Trainings and learning opportunities are free of charge and start today with introductory webinar on the Introduction to Managed Care Community of Practice in I/DD. Other such webinars include Managed Care Basics; and Talking to Not-for-Profit Board of Directors about CCOs and Managed Care.

“Building on the model and expertise gained in bringing technical assistance to providers in the behavioral health sector, we are pleased to bring this same type of resource to providers in the I/DD sector’” said Ann Hardiman, President & CEO of the New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation. “Partnering with experts like NYU’s McSilver Institute, which has headed up the Managed Care Technical Assistance Center (MCTAC) for behavioral health providers for the past several years, we can avoid reinventing the wheel and expedite bringing these resources to the field.”

“We are so pleased to have partners in this project with such a deep understanding of managed care and what it takes to operate in the managed care environment,” said Michael Seereiter, Executive Vice President and COO.  “They include Manatt Health, Negri Management Resources NYU’s McSilver Institute on Poverty Policy and Research and VORYS Healthcare Advisors.”

To learn more about the technical assistance available, experts involved, and how to access available resources, click here.

About the NY Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation

The New York Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation (New York Alliance), is one of the state’s largest associations of non-profit providers advancing the interest of provider organizations and people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD)

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