Overcoming the Challenges of Assessing Young Children for Autism

Assessing young children for autism can be very challenging. It can be quite difficult to be confident in a diagnosis of autism at the earliest ages due to many factors that I’ll highlight below. At the same time it is very important for parents with concerns about their child to have an...

Reducing Behavior Difficulties to Help Children with Autism Learn and Grow

One of the biggest challenges in working with children with autism is the severe behavior problems they exhibit. These behavior problems not only make it difficult for their parents to care for them but also make it difficult to take them out in public. Many of these children have unpredictable...

Applied Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior

In 1981 O. Ivar Lovaas published his groundbreaking ABA manual, Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children: The ME Book. Countless therapists and families have been able to help their children learn life-altering skills such as socialization, language, and activities of daily living thanks to the...