Posts Tagged ‘inclusive healthcare’

Enhancing Dental Care for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum: Strategies and Collaboration

For individuals on the autism spectrum, navigating dental care can present significant challenges, often resulting in long waits and apprehension. In such instances, the partnership between dental practitioners and professionals who work with individuals on the autism spectrum becomes not only...

Empowering Eye Exams: Strategies for Supporting Autistic Patients

Eye exam. Two words that can cause a lot of anxiety in families of autistic patients. Questions may arise about how your child will tolerate the exam and what to do if they need glasses. If your child has communication limitations or sensory sensitivities, you might wonder if they’ll be able to...

Facilitating Health Care Visits: How Can We Prepare for a Therapeutic Visit?

Health care visits can be challenging for individuals with autism and the delivering providers. It is critical that we prepare both the individual and the provider to increase the integrity of the visit and ensure a successful outcome. When I took on my role as Senior Director of Healthcare...