Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Archive for the ‘Masking’ Category

Yes, We Can Socialize

Throughout my life as an autistic person, I have been fortunate to have experienced great moments where I have been able to socialize with others and gain long-lasting friendships. There were also times when, due to my misunderstanding of certain social situations and the anxiety that comes with...

Just Because We Can Mask Doesn’t Mean We Don’t Need Support as Autistic Adults

We spend a lot of time in the Autism community focused on children and how to support their needs. I admit this is the focus of my career, but we sometimes forget that autistic children become autistic adults. And while progress is often made as autistic people age and mature, there will often...

Empowering and Supporting Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Women with autism spectrum disorders present with a complex social and behavioral profile that can differ from men. It is important to understand some of the diagnostic differences between women and men so that we can help empower women with autism spectrum disorders not only to address their...

Mask of Your Own Face – Experiences with Masking as an Autistic Adult

Imagine for a moment that you are a kid. As far as you’re aware, you’re like every other kid, but as you go throughout your childhood and adolescence, people start pointing out parts of you that seem a bit…off. Maybe your interests are strange or inappropriate; maybe the way you talk and move...

Autism, Masking, and Sense of Self

In a rightly ordered world, the need to mask, or to hide one’s true self in order to "fit in," would not exist. We all deserve to be who we are without being punished for doing so. But the world in which we live is anything but rightly ordered in this respect. A multitude of autistic individuals...