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Archive for the ‘Spring 2010 Issue’ Category

Understanding ABA Intervention

One of the most difficult aspects of navigating autism treatment decisions for families is making sense of the vast array of claims of effectiveness. Many treatments claim to be effective, though few have data to support those claims. Parents are confronted with such claims and with the complexity...

Mitochondria and Their Role in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have long been known to have a strong genetic basis. Until recently, the tendency for ASD to run in families was thought to be due solely to the passage of nuclear genes from parent to child. Now scientists are beginning to investigate whether mitochondrial genes...

Parent-Implemented Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

While the background noise of daily life includes a stream of fascinating new findings concerning the neurobiology of autism, parents of children with ASD face the urgent, present-day challenge of enhancing their children’s social, cognitive, linguistic, and adaptive development in every possible...

The Use of Pre-Post Test Designs to Evaluate Effectiveness of Autism Treatments

This current issue of Autism Spectrum News focuses on understanding and accessing clinical treatment services. A prerequisite to accessing clinical treatment is to understand what treatments might be effective and have a chance of delivering positive results. And a prerequisite to determining what...

Vaccine Court Denies All Three “Thimerosal Causes Autism” Test Cases

On March 12, 2010, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (i.e. Vaccine Court) issued its decision regarding whether thimerosal-containing vaccines can cause autism. The decision, handed down by three Special Masters, was a resounding “No!” In the King case, the Special Master wrote: “This case...

An Autism Spectrum News Interview with Charles N. Cartwright, MD, Director of the Autism Center at YAI – Part 1

Receiving the highest quality clinical treatment services is something every person diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) deserves. In this interview, Dr. Charles N. Cartwright, Director of the YAI Autism Center at the YA Network in New York City, provides an overview of the vital...

My Grandson May Have Autism – How to Discuss This with Family Members

“I am concerned that my grandson may have signs of autism, but I am uncomfortable bringing this up with my son and daughter-in-law. Do you have any suggestions about how best to approach them?” It is natural to be unsure of how to share your concerns with your grandson’s parents. As is the...

The Transition from Preschool to School-Age Special Education: CPSE to CSE

Transitions from one school setting to a different school setting may be cause for anxiety for parents. This article is intended to provide information on the transition from special education services in the preschool setting to special education services in kindergarten.   From three...

Choosing a Psychologist

What are the key elements in making the right decision about selecting a psychologist? There are many kinds of professionals who may play different roles in addressing the issues associated with having Asperger Syndrome. How do individuals and families determine what type of professional is needed...

Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Spanish-Speaking Families

Autism diagnoses among children of Latino descent have risen more than 90 percent since 2002, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study released in December 2009. While the reasons for this are multifaceted, Dr. Charles Cartwright, Director of the YAI Autism Center,...