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Archive for the ‘Winter 2010 Issue’ Category

Interventions for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum and How Best to Evaluate Their Effectiveness

Autism is a complex disorder characterized by significant deficits in social reciprocity and communicative ability as well as the presence of repetitive behavior/restricted interests. Given the heterogeneous nature of autism, many interventions have emerged with disputed claims of effectiveness....

The Neurobiology of Sensory-Perceptual Symptoms in Autism

A significant proportion of people with Autistic Disorder and other pervasive developmental disorders exhibit sensory symptoms, which can include over-responsiveness, under-responsiveness, and paradoxical responses to environmental stimuli. Indeed, autobiographical accounts by people with autism...

The ABC’s of Medicaid and SSI Eligibility for People with Disabilities

Persons with severe disabilities will find it hard, perhaps impossible, to earn a living, or even perform such basic activities of daily living as eating and drinking, bathing, dressing, walking and grooming without assistance. Moreover, the nature and scope of the disabilities may very well cause...

Relationship Development Intervention: A Review of Its Effectiveness

The theme of this issue of Autism Spectrum News is “Advances in Autism Science.” One facet of autism science is the adherence to “evidenced-based practice” (EBP); a requirement that those who work with persons with autism – teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, etc. – use...

Social Skills Interventions: Considering Generalization

It is well known that people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often have difficulties generalizing newly learned skills. Children with autism frequently cannot apply what they have learned in one situation to a similar -  though not identical - situation, especially one related to learned...

Ask the SLP – You’ve Been Told Your Child Needs Social Skills… Now What?

This article will provide answers to some important questions parents may have after learning that their child would benefit from social skills group therapy.   Question: Why are social skills groups important?   Answer: Social skills groups provide children with the...