A Brief Overview of the Special Needs Trust

You don’t have to look too far to find reports on how medical costs have skyrocketed - and this is just for the general population. For persons with disabilities, medical costs are typically greater by an order of magnitude. Also, a child with severe disabilities may be unable to live...

The ABC’s of Medicaid and SSI Eligibility for People with Disabilities

Persons with severe disabilities will find it hard, perhaps impossible, to earn a living, or even perform such basic activities of daily living as eating and drinking, bathing, dressing, walking and grooming without assistance. Moreover, the nature and scope of the disabilities may very well cause...

Planning for Children with Special Needs

Our special children with disabilities need our love, devotion, energy, compassion and patience. However, this is not enough. Their special needs also demand special planning. Parents of children with special needs know that their child will require lifetime care, care that can be both complex and...

Your Child is Turning 18 – Now What?

A Primer on Guardianship and Surrogate Decision Making for the Parent of a Special Needs Child You have protected and advocated fiercely for your child with special needs, almost since the day she was born. You fought insurance companies, school systems, you name it; all to get your special...