Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Medicaid’

Opportunities for Disability Employment

One of the biggest misconceptions we address as financial advisors to neurodivergent clients is that people with disabling conditions cannot work and receive government benefits and supports. Not only that but that government is trying to make sure that you don’t work if you have a disability....

Medicaid Managed Care Is Essential for Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

In New York State, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities are one of the last groups of Medicaid recipients to be included in the State’s coverage under Medicaid managed care. Close to 5.8 million of the 6.2 million Medicaid recipients are enrolled in Medicaid managed care. For...

How Do I Fund My Child’s Applied Behavior Analysis?

Your son/daughter has just been medically diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by their primary care physician or by a psychologist. It has been recommended that you pursue Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics as an...

Housing for Adults with Autism: A Growing Crisis

This article will discuss the need for appropriate housing for adults with Autism. New and emerging programs will be explored. In full disclosure, this writer is the president and founder of Indie Living, Inc., a housing program currently in the early stages of development in New York. Over the...

Leaving School Behind – Next Stop, Adulthood

The prospect of adulthood is particularly complex for individuals affected by developmental disability, their families, and the people who care about them. Like their peers, they have accumulated two decades’ worth of experiences, their bodies have matured, and they are considered to be...

Planning for the Future: Guardianships and Special Needs Trusts

As your autistic child transitions into adulthood, you will need to address two very important legal issues: guardianships and special needs trusts. Once your child reaches the age of majority, you must consider whether a guardianship is appropriate. Further, regardless of the age of your child, it...

An Autism Spectrum News Interview with New York State OPWDD Commissioner Courtney Burke

It has been six months since Courtney Burke was appointed Commissioner of the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). Among the many things she has accomplished since that time, Ms. Burke has completed a statewide Listening Tour focused on issues concerning...

The Unique Legal Issues That Affect Children and Adults with High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Over the last several years in our Special Needs Planning and Special Needs Advocacy practices, we have seen a significant increase in clients having a family member with high functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome. Although not exhaustive, this article is intended to provide an overview of...

A Brief Overview of the Special Needs Trust

You don’t have to look too far to find reports on how medical costs have skyrocketed - and this is just for the general population. For persons with disabilities, medical costs are typically greater by an order of magnitude. Also, a child with severe disabilities may be unable to live...