Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum

It is a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs and expectations and their partner’s needs and expectations. In a relationship where one individual is on the autism spectrum, there are likely many more opportunities for misunderstandings and frustration. Finding a path to...

Guidelines for Parents on Addressing the Needs of Siblings

There is little doubt that those of us raised with siblings have been influenced by that relationship. Living with a brother or sister with an autism spectrum disorder adds more significant and unique experiences to that relationship. Throughout numerous accounts of parents and siblings of children...

Transitioning Back to School During COVID: Using Visuals and Other Evidence-based Strategies for Children with Autism

To say that schools have changed a lot in the past few months is an understatement. And, as a result, our students need to learn new rules and routines before they can start learning about academics. At the beginning of each school year, you typically teach this information. This year, it is much...

Autism After 65 – Making the Most of the Golden Years

For the most part, this article is not based on research. I am using personal life experiences and the reports of individuals with whom I have corresponded and/or personally known for many years through research for my previous book, The Partner’s Guide to Asperger Syndrome. Many of the subjects...

How Do I Fund My Child’s Applied Behavior Analysis?

Your son/daughter has just been medically diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by their primary care physician or by a psychologist. It has been recommended that you pursue Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. ABA is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics as an...

Should All Nonverbal Young Children with Autism Immediately Have AAC Taught to Them?

Lack of speech is often the most obvious symptom of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and greatest cause of concern for parents of young children. For many families of children with ASD, having their child learn to talk is their primary goal. Children with ASD who learn to use spoken language as a...