
Posts Tagged ‘couples’

Uncovering Neurodiversity in a Relationship

Neurodiversity in a partnership signifies that partners’ brains are wired differently from one another. When a couple learns that someone has a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it can fundamentally shift the way they view their relationship. While there are inherent challenges that...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Afternoon

Every day there are countless opportunities for partners to create small connecting moments to enhance emotional connection in their relationship. Taking advantage of these little moments can make for big changes in your relationship dynamics. “Having a Good Afternoon” is the second of the...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Morning

Many neurodiverse couples struggle with emotional connection and intimate communication. They yearn for a romantic touch, a knowing glance, a kind gesture to make them feel close. These little things make a big difference in an intimate relationship. And when these small connecting moments do not...

The Neurodiverse Love Relationship GPS (Gaining Perspective for Success)

Being married for 30 years and not knowing we were a neurodiverse couple until our 29th year of our marriage created a lot of “unintentional” hurt and pain for both of us. Learning we had differently wired brains helped me see our challenges and differences through a new lens, which led to...

Recognizing and Understanding Neurodiversity in Couples

Many couples come to the realization they are in a neurodiverse relationship decades into their relationship, after listening to a podcast, reading a book, or watching a movie that includes an autistic character. But recognizing neurodiversity is just the beginning... Then what? How does...

Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum

It is a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs and expectations and their partner’s needs and expectations. In a relationship where one individual is on the autism spectrum, there are likely many more opportunities for misunderstandings and frustration. Finding a path to...

The Superpowers of Neurodiverse Couples

While many articles focus on the challenges associated with being in a neurodiverse partnership, there are countless strengths that are unique to relationships in which one or both partners are on the autism spectrum. When partners search online forums, read books, or even access clinical services,...

Neurology Matters in Couples Therapy – and Training is Now Available

“Working with neurodiverse couples is more complicated than neurotypical couples. In order to help the couple work as a unified team, the therapist first has to help the partners understand each other’s neurological differences. The therapist has to understand each partner’s unique language...

“Let’s Talk About Sex” with Neurodiverse Couples

On a monthly national conference call, a small group of clinicians who specialize in neurodiverse couples’ therapy meet for peer supervision, support and guidance. Clinicians spanning the country, from California to New York, discuss the current need for clinical expertise in providing...