Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Posts Tagged ‘sensory issues’

The Increasing Popularity of Telehealth Services for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Children and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often find it challenging to visit the doctor’s office due to a variety of sensory, social, and communication barriers. The sights, sounds, smells, and textures commonly found in a doctor’s office can be overwhelming and can trigger...

The Neuro-Strength-Based Support Framework: A Collaborative, Strength-Focused Approach to Autism Interventions

Autism remains an enigma to some despite decades of research and a plethora of interventions aimed at addressing its myriad facets. Historically, interventions have been crafted to mitigate perceived developmental, sensory, and behavioral deficits without a solid foundation in the bio-neurological...

How to Create a Safe and Engaging Sensory Experience at the Pool

The pool is a great tool to use to cool down and engage individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) over the summer. Not only can water exploration in the pool provide socialization opportunities in a natural environment, but water can meet essential sensory needs as it provides deep pressure...

Service Providers Need Enhanced Autism Education from the Autistic Community

When I was finally diagnosed in late 2000, public awareness about the autism spectrum, especially the milder variants such as Asperger Syndrome as it was then known, was at best minimal. In particular, the vast majority of mental health professionals (the service providers most likely to address...

Supporting Autistic Service Providers Through Understanding, Inclusion, and Accommodation

When I opened my autistic-centered psychotherapy private practice in 2022, I never imagined that a significant portion of my clientele would comprise other autistic service providers. It makes sense now, upon reflection, since our field’s challenges are profound, and many of us are drawn to this...

Expert Tips and Strategies for Navigating Potty Training Challenges for Autistic Children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about one in every 54 children in the U.S. has been identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Issues with sensory processing, eating, digestion, and incontinence are not uncommon symptoms for children with ASD to...

Creating Sensory-Friendly Health Care Environments for Autistic Patients

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a multifaceted neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and limited or repetitive behaviors. Individuals with ASD might also experience sensory sensitivities, such as heightened responses to lights, sounds,...

Filling the Gaps in Healthcare: The Vital Role of Information Sharing for Individuals with Autism and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Wading through the complex landscape of healthcare for individuals with autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their caregivers can be frustrating, often hindered by a variety of barriers unique to this population. While systematic and overwhelming, these challenges are...

The Dental Disparity Dilemma

While the movement toward autism acceptance is certainly something to smile about, there remain many injustices for this population that must be addressed. Among them, disparities in dental care. Data gathered from a survey by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities...

The Silent Roadblock: Understanding the Ripple Effects of Feeding Difficulties on the Spectrum

While it’s widely documented that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects social interaction, communication, and behavior, there is a less spotlighted, yet pivotal, piece to these neurodivergent children: feeding difficulties. It’s estimated that up to 80% of autistic children have some form of...