
Posts Tagged ‘resources’

The Cost of Literacy for Autistic Adults

Today, more than ever, literacy agencies nationwide are being called upon to assist adults with low literacy. Literacy Statistics “48 million adults lack basic reading, writing, and math skills beyond a third-grade level” (Literacy Facts, 2023). If every adult in the US functioned at...

Creating Sensory-Friendly Health Care Environments for Autistic Patients

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a multifaceted neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, communication, and limited or repetitive behaviors. Individuals with ASD might also experience sensory sensitivities, such as heightened responses to lights, sounds,...

From Parent to Advocate: My Mission to Help Other Families

When my son Oliver was about nine months old, I noticed some milestone delays. I also realized that he had a tic. He would get very excited - wailing - when he saw something that caught his attention. It was also around that time that I knew I had to quickly become his advocate. Naturally, I...

Empowering Caregivers Through an Innovative Peer Navigator Program

After a child receives an autism diagnosis, caregivers begin to look for appropriate services and supports. This journey requires them to navigate a very complicated service system. Caregivers are usually tasked with coordinating their children’s medical, educational, and community-based services...

CDC Launches COVID-19 Resources for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Care Providers

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique challenges for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). To address them, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created a COVID-19 toolkit with communication resources explaining in plain language how people with IDD...

Basic Guidelines for Choosing an Advocate for Your Child

Working with your school district to ensure your child is receiving an appropriate education can be challenging. Often parents feel they are not equal members of their children’s educational team, and that decisions are not always made with their child’s unique needs in mind. Add the...

Adult Sibling Support

Siblings often have the longest-lasting relationships of their lives with each other. With this lifelong connection, siblings have a great opportunity to support each other. In families where a person has a disability, the roles that siblings play may be different – not only in childhood and...

Guidelines for Parents on Addressing the Needs of Siblings

There is little doubt that those of us raised with siblings have been influenced by that relationship. Living with a brother or sister with an autism spectrum disorder adds more significant and unique experiences to that relationship. Throughout numerous accounts of parents and siblings of children...

Digital Resources for Students with Autism

The digital age brings good news for teachers and parents dealing with students with autism. Today, there are more technologies than ever before to help students with speech, interaction, participation, and communication, making for more integrated classrooms and innovative therapies that help...

A Community of Caring Agencies Unites to Support Families in Camden County, NJ

First Children Services and the Rowan Integrated Special Needs (RISN) Center are organizations that specialize in providing clinical services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in New Jersey. Many of the youth who these agencies serve are eligible for or already...