Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘caregiving’

Understanding and Resolving Conflict in Divorce Involving Autistic Children

Divorce is complicated enough, but when there is a child with autism or other disability involved, it takes things to another level. I should know. I unexpectedly faced divorce after 21 years of marriage, and it took incredible amounts of time, money, and emotional energy to get through the...

Maintaining Connection with Siblings with ASD in Young Adulthood

Sibling relationships are some of the longest that people will have in their lifetime, and these relationships can significantly influence sibling development (McHale, Updegraff, & Whiteman, 2012). While each sibling relationship is different, they are commonly characterized by shared...

Adult Sibling Support

Siblings often have the longest-lasting relationships of their lives with each other. With this lifelong connection, siblings have a great opportunity to support each other. In families where a person has a disability, the roles that siblings play may be different – not only in childhood and...

Sheltering at Home with My Brother Douglas During COVID-19

After the death of my mother I became my brother Douglas’ legal guardian and sole relative who would advocate for, protect and welcome him every weekend and holiday. The only time he was not able to come to me was when there was an epic snowstorm preventing travel, when I was sick, injured and or...