
Posts Tagged ‘love’

Sheltering at Home with My Brother Douglas During COVID-19

After the death of my mother I became my brother Douglas’ legal guardian and sole relative who would advocate for, protect and welcome him every weekend and holiday. The only time he was not able to come to me was when there was an epic snowstorm preventing travel, when I was sick, injured and or...

The Siblings of Autism

About a million years ago, a kind doctor told me the best thing we could do for Jack was to give him siblings. A lot of people ask me how we decided to have more kids once we knew something was up with him. I wish I had a more sophisticated answer to give, but the truth is, we just didn’t know...

A Spectrum of Love: When Romantic Love is Not Attained

Romantic love is a subject with which many in the autism community are preoccupied. They wonder if and how they will find love, and when they do, how they might navigate its occasionally tricky waters. Traditional, romantic relationships can often seem out of reach for a majority of people on the...