Posts Tagged ‘early intervention’

Project ImPACT: Empowering Parents with Evidence-Based Strategies for Early Autism Intervention

The prevalence of autism has increased dramatically over the last 20 years, with current estimates at 1 in 36 children having a diagnosis or special education classification of autism (CDC, 2023; ADDM surveillance network, 2023). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children...

Empowering Families Online: Reducing Barriers through a Virtual, Group ESDM-based Caregiver Coaching Program

Autistic children often experience difficulties with language and communication development (Tager-Flushberg et al., 2005). Early intervention (EI) is an integral and highly efficacious tool to target and promote optimal development in this population (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015). By targeting...

Parent-Led Strategies to Support Communication in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

When Mukri Yilma noticed her son Kibur’s use of words and gestures starting to fade at 22 months, she knew something was wrong. Suddenly, he was not waving “hi” or pointing at airplanes anymore, and he stopped using words that had been part of his vocabulary. Concerned, Mukri took Kibur to...

Demystifying the Evaluation Process for Your Infant, Toddler, and Preschool Child with Developmental Concerns

Suspecting something may be wrong with your child’s development is a scary thought. It can be confusing as to what one does next. If your child is born with an apparent disability, the pediatrician will refer your infant or toddler to the birth-to-three system, where a team of professionals will...

Supporting Autism Service Providers: Challenges, Solutions, and Collective Action

Alex, an autism service provider and early intervention specialist, begins his workday at the community’s autism support center, where he’s scheduled to work with Mia, an eight-year-old girl on the autism spectrum. Mia, who is non-verbal, has shown a keen interest in participating in activities...

Inclusivity and Equality in Treatment: Transforming Health Care, One Step at a Time

Access to health care is a fundamental human right. Creating an equitable health care system requires that all aspects of an individual’s health – physical, mental, and emotional well-being – be addressed holistically. Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual and...

Your Child Has Just Been Diagnosed with Autism – Now What?

Every family has their own personal journey towards an autism diagnosis for their child. Whether it brings the confirmation of what may have been suspected or the news of something completely unexpected, the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder can have a significant impact on a family. Like the...

Beyond the Autism Diagnosis: Understanding the Multifaceted Needs of Parents

As the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) increases, so does the number of parents trying to navigate the complexities that accompany an autism diagnosis. Raising an autistic child is challenging for many parents, and many reported higher levels of stress compared to...

A Mother’s Journey Advocating for Her Child’s Autism Diagnosis and What Fellow Educators Can Learn

As a registered occupational therapist (OTR) and Director of Portfolio Management and Delivery at Pearson Clinical Assessment, I have extensive experience working with students who have been diagnosed with a variety of conditions. And as a mom of an autistic daughter, I understand on a personal...

From Parent to Advocate: My Mission to Help Other Families

When my son Oliver was about nine months old, I noticed some milestone delays. I also realized that he had a tic. He would get very excited - wailing - when he saw something that caught his attention. It was also around that time that I knew I had to quickly become his advocate. Naturally, I...