
“It’s Special” Podcast with Tracey Spencer Walsh, Esq. and Cecelia McCarton, MD

Tracey Spencer Walsh is the Founder and Chief Litigation Strategist of Spencer Walsh Law, PLLC and is also the creator and host of the podcast, “It’s Special.” The “It’s Special” podcast takes a vast amount of information in the realm of special needs - sometimes too...

Preserving Educational Stability: Understanding the Role of Pendency in Tuition Reimbursement Cases for Students with Special Needs

Parents of children with special needs sometimes face a daunting challenge when it comes to securing appropriate educational services. Fortunately, many legal avenues exist to advocate for an appropriate education. One critical aspect that often goes unnoticed is the indispensable role of pendency...

Funding Home Programs and Private Schools – Possible, Yes! Easy? Not Exactly

You have learned that your child requires intensive intervention and educational services. A school district may provide your child with the services your child requires on the IEP. To help support your request for an intensive (and what is oftentimes, costly) educational program, provide your...

Compensatory Education is an Important Remedy to Consider

Compensatory education, an often overlooked remedy, is a legal term used to describe future educational services (or funds for services) that courts can award to a disabled student under the interpretation of the Federal IDEA statute. A compensatory education (comp ed) award is meant to compensate...

Parents: Give the IEP Team Quality Evaluations with Recommendations

In my last article (The Best Kept Secret, Autism Spectrum News - Summer 2010) I discussed what might be the best kept secret of parent counseling and training (PCT) for parents of children with autism. Under the Federal Regulations of the IDEIA, PCT is to be provided to parents as a related service...

The Best Kept Secret – School Districts are Obligated Under Federal Law to Offer Parent Counseling and Training

When you have a child with autism, there are so many things to “stress about” but parents should not have to do it all alone. School districts are obligated under federal law to offer, as a related service on the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), parent counseling and training. It is the...