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Posts Tagged ‘students’

Navigating the Legal Rights and Entitlements for Your Student with Autism

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that governs the education of children with disabilities, including autism. Congress’ purpose in passing IDEA 48 years ago was to open the school doors for children with disabilities and provide them “a free appropriate...

Enhancing Communication and Accessibility: Assistive Technology for Individuals with Autism

What do a wheelchair, closed captioning on a television screen, and a visual schedule all have in common? They are part of an extensive list of products or services that enable those with disabilities to access activities of daily living. Like a wheelchair, assistive technology can provide...

The Power and Potential of the IEP

To address the inequity of limiting special needs children from obtaining an appropriate public education, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) was implemented in 1975 across the United States school systems. The IEP is an educational road map for children with disabilities. It is required by...

Strategies for Navigating College for Students with Autism

College is a transformative period in a young adult's life, offering a platform for growth, self-discovery, and academic achievement. However, for students on the autism spectrum, navigating the challenges of college life can be particularly overwhelming. College students with autism spectrum...

Preserving Educational Stability: Understanding the Role of Pendency in Tuition Reimbursement Cases for Students with Special Needs

Parents of children with special needs sometimes face a daunting challenge when it comes to securing appropriate educational services. Fortunately, many legal avenues exist to advocate for an appropriate education. One critical aspect that often goes unnoticed is the indispensable role of pendency...

Pathways to Resolution of Special Education Conflicts

When conflict arises in an educational setting, there are multiple ways to resolve it. Some are small and easily resolved but may potentially lead to bigger conflicts and issues. Sometimes the conflict is substantial, and a resolution harder to achieve. Understanding different available methods of...

Tips for Parents and Teachers to Support Autistic Children in Developing and Maintaining Friendships

Friendships play an important role in the lives of children and teenagers. These relationships help with childhood social and emotional development in many ways, including: managing emotions, responding to the feelings of others, listening, problem solving, navigating conflicts, sharing and...

Preparing School-Age Students for Post-Secondary Education

Preparing school-age students with autism for the transition into post-secondary education is perhaps as challenging for teachers as it is daunting for parents. According to a National Autism Indicators Report, “Young adults with autism have a difficult time following high school for almost any...

Autism and Education: One Size Does Not Fit All

Having attended many talks, workshops, and education-related autism community events, I often hear the expression “one size does not fit all” used by teachers and other professionals who work with students on the spectrum. It is always gratifying for me to hear people having the most experience...

Assessing Readiness for Transition to College and College Support Services

High school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), without intellectual or language impairment (ASD-WoILI), are attending college at rates higher than previously reported, but research indicates they may not be receiving the services they need (Kuder & Accardo, 2017). While federal and...