Transforming Transitional Programs
Walking onto a college campus is the first step to adulthood and true independence. This step can cause excitement, fear and anxiety for most young people. For students with learning disabilities and on the autism spectrum, these emotions are magnified. It is a new world of unchartered territory...
Improving the Written Expression of Children with ASD
Writing has become an increasingly important element across curricular areas. However, many young children, including children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), struggle with this key literacy skill. While it has been well-documented that many children with ASD have handwriting deficits,...
Make Inclusion Work! Reducing Behavioral Challenges in the Classroom for Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on including students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Over the years, Public Law 94-142, (Education for All Handicapped Children Act, 1975), which was most recently revised in 2004 under the Individuals with Disabilities...
Evidence-Based Interventions for Students on the Autism Spectrum
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation both demand that schools utilize scientifically supported, evidence based methods. Yet, outside of applied behavior analysis there are few well-designed studies supporting interventions for our students on the...
Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Higher Education
The continuing rise in prevalence of autism, now at 1 in 88 (Center for Disease Control, 2012), has engendered greater awareness of the condition, followed by increased research, and improved interventions and strategies for individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA)....
Finding the Best Fit: Exploring College and Vocational Options
In the last twenty years the growing awareness of autism, the reconceptualization of autism as a spectrum of characteristics, and improved diagnostic techniques have contributed to the increased demand for specialized educational programs in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational...
Executive Functioning Enhancement for High School Students with ASD
Educators have made great strides in integrating students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) into general education over the past several decades; however, at the secondary school level, these students still often experience serious difficulties. A major obstacle to success for adolescents on the...
Everyone Can Play – Using Theatre to Promote Developmental Gains
When curtain call begins for my students, the look of pride on their faces is magical. The beaming faces of their parents, though, tell a fuller story. I teach theatre to children and young adults on the autism spectrum, and many times the concept of a full theatrical production seems like an...
Learning Style Preferences of Students with Autism and How They Align or Differ from Their Typical Peers
Developing successful educational opportunities for students with autism has long been a challenge for educators. This challenge may well be due to the fact that students with autism have unusual intellectual and academic skills profiles making it difficult for teachers to accurately assess...