Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Home: How to Thrive as a Family Unit

Various research studies have shown that early intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is important for providing the tools and strategies needed for long term success in areas such as education, career, and life in general (McEachin, Smith, & Lovaas, 1993). It is...

Interpersonal Relationships and Social Engagement in a Virtual Landscape

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has identified communication and interaction with others as specific areas of deficit for many individuals with ASD. Difficulty making eye contact, initiating and sustaining a conversation, code switching, and perspective taking are...

Breaking Down the Barriers of Social Communication for Young Adults

The transition from adolescence to adulthood is an important and transitory juncture in the lives of modern young individuals. This exciting and oftentimes anxiety-inducing time brings with it a host of challenges: increased independence, heightened self-awareness, the taking on of more personal...

Accommodations for Students in the Higher Education Environment

The transition from high school to college may be challenging for all students, but especially for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related learning differences. With so many changes in academic, social/emotional, and independent living demands, it is essential that students...

The Importance of Self-Advocacy Skills for Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum

Self-advocacy is the ability of an individual to speak on behalf of oneself, and is a critical skill to acquire when it comes to moving towards independence. Self-advocacy includes the quest for finding information, the process of making decisions, seeking help in times of need, understanding...

Support of Coaching to Develop Key Skills that Facilitate Independent Living

Independent living skills, or life skills, are important tools that are needed in order to successfully navigate the world. In the 1990’s, a surge of children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and are now approaching adulthood (VanBergeijk, E., Klin, A. & Volkmar, F....

Smart Pens, Tablets, and Word Prediction Software: Utilizing Technology for High School and College Students

As we move through this digital age, students in high school and college are increasingly using technology as a mechanism to support learning. Technology can be used in a multitude of ways, ranging from electronic organizational systems and digital reminders to supporting more complex academic...

Summer Programs for Adolescents and Young Adults

Summer vacation is a time ripe with opportunities for growth – a time to catch-up on academic learning, strengthen executive functioning, and improve social and communication competence. Opportunities abound during the summer months to engage in learning outside of the traditional classroom by...

Executive Functioning Enhancement for High School Students with ASD

Educators have made great strides in integrating students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) into general education over the past several decades; however, at the secondary school level, these students still often experience serious difficulties. A major obstacle to success for adolescents on the...