Posts Tagged ‘guardianship’

Vote the Spectrum: An Unprecedented Opportunity for All Voices to be Heard

The U.S. Surgeon General, considered “the nation’s doctor,” is charged with the overall health of the nation by providing Americans with the best scientific information available on how to reduce the risk of illness and injury. Historically, this has included issuing warnings on the dangers...

Helping Families with Disabilities Transition from Child to Adult Systems of Care

Having a child diagnosed with a lifelong disability is like planning a trip to one country, but unexpectedly arriving in a different country (read Emily Perl Kingsley’s essay Welcome to Holland). Just imagine, you have nothing packed that would make the trip easier or more comfortable, and you do...

Rights and Challenges for Autistic People with Communication Disabilities in the Legal System

Police should be the last resort.... I shouldn’t have to call the police if my son is having a meltdown. When I get up in the morning, I say, “Thank God he’s not dead,” and “Thank God I’m not dead.” - Kerima Çevik, activist and parent of a nonspeaking autistic son (Sokol,...

The Importance of Special Needs Trusts for Children with Autism

When my child with ASD and intellectual disability was young, I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, much less what would happen years from now, when I would no longer be there. My son’s behaviors were anxiety-provoking enough without me having to lie awake at night thinking about the future....

Navigating the Legal Rights and Entitlements for Your Student with Autism

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that governs the education of children with disabilities, including autism. Congress’ purpose in passing IDEA 48 years ago was to open the school doors for children with disabilities and provide them “a free appropriate...

Rethinking Guardianship: Empowering Autistic Individuals and Preserving Rights

Often when I encounter families with young autistic kids, they are admittedly very anxious about their child’s future. Who will take care of my child when I die? How can I make sure I am an active decision-maker in their lives when they reach adulthood, especially if they are non-speaking or have...

Some Key Issues in Reducing Caregiver Stress: Future Planning for the Family Member

Over the last several years, a lot of focus and attention has been given to the very important topics of transition planning and services into adulthood for those with autism and intellectual disabilities. Supporting families, caregivers and the adolescent/adult child in connecting with adult...

Legal Guardianship: The Pros and Cons for Your Adult Disabled Child

What happens when your special needs child turns age 18? It’s a crucial question faced by every affected parent and family. The answer to the question, and special needs planning, means different things depending upon your state’s laws. How can you make certain you’ve done all you legally can...

The Unique Legal Issues That Affect Children and Adults with High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Over the last several years in our Special Needs Planning and Special Needs Advocacy practices, we have seen a significant increase in clients having a family member with high functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome. Although not exhaustive, this article is intended to provide an overview of...