Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

How to Create a Safe and Engaging Sensory Experience at the Pool

The pool is a great tool to use to cool down and engage individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) over the summer. Not only can water exploration in the pool provide socialization opportunities in a natural environment, but water can meet essential sensory needs as it provides deep pressure...

Harnessing the Power of Nature: Outdoor Sensory Activities for Autistic Children

Holistic health improves when children spend time playing outdoors (Dankiw et al., 2020; Gill, 2015; McQuay et al., 2020; McCormick, 2017). Children with autism spectrum disorder demonstrate increased world connections with outdoor sensory activities, as the natural environment affords more...

The Role of Sensory-Focused Education in Inclusive Classrooms

In inclusive classrooms, all student learners have strategies, techniques, support, respect, and a welcoming environment to promote academic success (Webster, 2014). Inclusive classrooms require the integration of differentiated instruction tailored to the unique academic, mental, and physical...

Reaching Ukraine: Occupational Therapy-Centered Training to Support Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Kyiv

In the Eastern European country of Ukraine where there are more than 44 million residents (Archer, Harper, & Cameron, 2020), there are just 3 ergotherapists (Ukrainian translation for occupational therapists) in practice (Imas & Lazarieva, 2017). Though Ukrainian health officials recognize...