Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Posts Tagged ‘NYS OPWDD’

Examining the Challenges Service Providers Have Faced as a Result of COVID-19

COVID-19 has had devastating consequences to people and communities: tragedy at its worst; consequences beyond measure; and anxiety and uncertainty exceeding our grasp. The purpose of this article is to highlight the challenges that providers of care for persons with intellectual and developmental...

Medicaid Managed Care Is Essential for Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

In New York State, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities are one of the last groups of Medicaid recipients to be included in the State’s coverage under Medicaid managed care. Close to 5.8 million of the 6.2 million Medicaid recipients are enrolled in Medicaid managed care. For...

The Changing World of OPWDD Services and Supports

For every parent who watches their child morph into a young adult right in front of their eyes, this transformation is filled with anticipation, uncertainty and limitless challenges. For the parent with a child on the autism spectrum these issues are magnified as they begin to explore the world of...

Leaving School Behind – Next Stop, Adulthood

The prospect of adulthood is particularly complex for individuals affected by developmental disability, their families, and the people who care about them. Like their peers, they have accumulated two decades’ worth of experiences, their bodies have matured, and they are considered to be...