
Posts Tagged ‘spring 2011 issue’

A Brief Overview of the Special Needs Trust

You don’t have to look too far to find reports on how medical costs have skyrocketed - and this is just for the general population. For persons with disabilities, medical costs are typically greater by an order of magnitude. Also, a child with severe disabilities may be unable to live...

When Behaviors Result in Real Trouble: Legal Challenges in Individuals with ASD

When we think about legal matters and individuals with ASD, we often think of the relationship between the law and advocacy. Legal entitlements apply to individuals with disabilities, a free and appropriate education is guaranteed, and certain accommodations must be made to make settings and...

ASD and Internet Crime

In the past few years a disturbing trend has emerged. Increasing numbers of ASD individuals are being arrested and incarcerated for internet crimes involving child pornography and inappropriate contact with minors. As a clinician who specializes in autism spectrum disorders, I have been asked by...