
Posts Tagged ‘isolation’

Technology Continues to Enhance Lives of People AHRC New York City Supports

What started as a discussion about how to keep the people AHRC New York City supports and their families more connected amid the pandemic has turned into a popular virtual Friday Night Dance Party. With the city on lockdown and summer camp closed, there were no opportunities for in-person...

Supporting Adolescents with Autism Using Technology to Interact with Peers

Friendships are a vital part of adolescence. Friends provide advice and help with navigating through tough topics. As children grow into adolescence, they begin to rely more on the opinions of friends than parents to make sense of the world. Thus, adolescent friendships are an important resource...

Siblings: Common Concerns and Effective Support Strategies

Like parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), siblings experience unique concerns and opportunities. The sibling relationship can easily exceed six decades, and siblings face these issues for even longer than parents. Historically, siblings have had few opportunities to receive...

How to Best Support Siblings of Individuals with ASD

Typically developing siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a unique set of needs that often go overlooked and unnoticed. These needs are generally social and emotional in nature and can affect siblings at any age during their lifespan. When one family member has a...

Stress and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Paying Attention to Your Cortisol Level in Challenging Times

The COVID-19 pandemic not only worries us about our health but our very survival as a society. We all can identify with the emotional, physical and cognitive impact of stress on our bodies and minds. In stressful situations we struggle to concentrate, remember and learn. We are more prone to...

ASD and Internet Crime

In the past few years a disturbing trend has emerged. Increasing numbers of ASD individuals are being arrested and incarcerated for internet crimes involving child pornography and inappropriate contact with minors. As a clinician who specializes in autism spectrum disorders, I have been asked by...