Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Posts Tagged ‘social connection’

Teaching Play to Children with Autism

Play has been focused on as a pivotal skill for young children, as it is an important context for both cognitive development and social connection. For these reasons, play is a primary focus of instruction for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Pretend play is a social skill that...

Adaptive Sports Promote Physical, Social, and Emotional Health for People with Disabilities

As COVID hit in March 2020 I was let go from my job at an adaptive sports organization for people with physical disabilities. Instead of bemoaning the fact that, along with many others, I now had no income, I started talking to some friends and colleagues about starting an adaptive sports...

Technology Continues to Enhance Lives of People AHRC New York City Supports

What started as a discussion about how to keep the people AHRC New York City supports and their families more connected amid the pandemic has turned into a popular virtual Friday Night Dance Party. With the city on lockdown and summer camp closed, there were no opportunities for in-person...

Research Steps in Establishing Music Therapy as an Effective Treatment for Children on the Spectrum

Music engages people. Autism advocates have recognized for years that engaging in music making can bring positive benefits to children with autism. The established profession of music therapy, which began in 1950 and currently has over 6,500 board certified music therapists throughout the United...