Archive for the ‘Winter 2011 Issue’ Category

Asparagus Syndrome: The Newly Gourmand Life of an Impossibly Picky Eater

Last week, I burned the lasagna. I remember opening the oven, full of anticipation and nervous excitement, only to have my hopes dashed on the rocks at the sight of the undercooked noodles and scorched earth-colored Parmesan cheese. Was it the glass baking pan? Should I not have halved the...

Demystifying Aggression: Developing Effective Interventions

Aggression is likely the most problematic of all issues that may accompany autism spectrum conditions in terms of separating individuals from the mainstream and significantly affecting many aspects of quality of life. For children and adults alike, problems with aggression can sabotage life...

The Center for Career Freedom’s ASD Employment Program

Chris and Kenny were smiling – they were “wowing the crowd” with their recently acquired computer skills generating business letters, tables, flyers, entering data without errors and in less than thirty minutes. Their Housing and Case Managers were speechless. Their instructors Peter and...

A Different Kind of Support: Soul Support A New Model for Meeting the Needs of Moms of Children on the Autistic Spectrum

When a child is diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, the whole family is severely impacted. Often, the mother becomes the primary caretaker with the daunting task of researching all the therapies available, driving to appointments, cooking the special diet meals, coordinating all the...

Social Skills and Asperger’s Syndrome: “Big Picture” Thinking

By definition, children with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) have problems with social skills. Books and programs teach a wide variety of social skills, everything from greetings to compromising on play dates, giving a compliment to accepting criticism. There are many reasons why these programs face...

Helping Students on the Autism Spectrum Succeed in College

Over the past few years, an increasing number of students on the autism spectrum have begun to consider college a viable option. In response to the growing interest in postsecondary education for students with disabilities, many universities are developing special college support programs. We have...

The Lighter Side of the Spectrum: A Mom’s View – Dads

I had a moment’s pause recently as I watched my husband Joe pass by me into our family room to hand our daughter her favorite pink blanket. Snuggling with all five kids on the couch, he looked like the same college guy I met when he was twenty and I just nineteen. Yet over the course of more than...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues in ASDs

We are frequently reminded that often we do not in fact treat “autism,” but rather the co-occurring mental health and behavioral issues associated with ASDs. Youth and adults with ASDs have social and emotional difficulties which, if not addressed as part of a comprehensive intervention...

An Autism Spectrum News Interview with Alexander Kolevzon, MD, Clinical Director of the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount Sinai School of Medicine

We are indeed fortunate to have an opportunity to speak with Dr. Alexander Kolevzon, Clinical Director of the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, located in New York City. Dr. Kolevzon eloquently provides us with an overview of our current...