Prevention of Abuse and Neglect: Melmark’s Organizational Approach

There is always concern among both family members and providers that abuse and neglect of vulnerable populations can occur. Horror stories of such treatment have been chronicled in history, and there are still current reports of such atrocities (e.g., Bailey & Burch, 2016). As an organization,...

Values-Based Behavior Planning – Responding to Challenging Behaviors for Individuals with Complex Profiles via Comprehensive Planning

Though a small percentage, some individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities can display dangerous challenging behaviors such as high intensity aggression or self-injury. While the field of applied behavior analysis has made great strides in the assessment and treatment of...

Supporting Employee Professional Development Activities: An Example from a Mid-Size Human-Service Organization

Individuals credentialed as Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) are required to obtain 32 hours of continuing education every two years. The purpose of the continuing education “is to ensure certificants engage in activities that will expand and maintain their behavior-analytic skills”...