Posts Tagged ‘co-occurring conditions’

Autism and the Gut: Co-Occurring Gastrointestinal Challenges and Psychosocial Factors

Autism is a complex spectrum of behaviors and other distinguishing characteristics across individuals, for which our understanding of continues to unfold. Alongside it’s well documented social and sensory related symptoms, autism also regularly co-occurs with a host of medical complications that...

Values-Based Behavior Planning – Responding to Challenging Behaviors for Individuals with Complex Profiles via Comprehensive Planning

Though a small percentage, some individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities can display dangerous challenging behaviors such as high intensity aggression or self-injury. While the field of applied behavior analysis has made great strides in the assessment and treatment of...

Autism and Epilepsy – What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and How We Are Creating Awareness

People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have a shorter life expectancy than the general population mostly because of various co-morbid medical conditions that affect their health. We do not know why but young people, those with severe intellectual disabilities, and females are at greater risk....