Posts Tagged ‘data analysis’

Identifying Why Challenging Behavior Occurs: Tips for Prevention

Children with autism often display higher rates of challenging behaviors, including non-compliance, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and socially inappropriate behavior such as disrobing in public, when compared to typically developing peers (Holden & Gitlesen, 2006). It can be difficult...

Improving Communication Skills: Using Behavior Analytic Science Effectively

Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often face significant challenges learning socially appropriate and effective communication skills. Because these challenges are present across all ages and stages of development, programming targets can range from communicating basic wants and needs to...

What to Expect When Expecting a Functional Behavior Assessment

In 1994, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandated the use of Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) under certain conditions for special education students. Today, FBA is used to set the foundation for treatment of challenging behaviors in schools, homes, group homes for adults...