Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘school’

Learning Style Preferences of Students with Autism and How They Align or Differ from Their Typical Peers

Developing successful educational opportunities for students with autism has long been a challenge for educators. This challenge may well be due to the fact that students with autism have unusual intellectual and academic skills profiles making it difficult for teachers to accurately assess...

Do Parents and Teachers Get Children with AS/HFA? These Children Lack the Insight or Social Skills to Explain Themselves

Many teachers and parents miss the connection between the diagnosis of children with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) or high functioning autism (HFA) (and nonverbal learning disabilities) and the behaviors of the child in day-to-day life. When adults don’t get this connection, they can’t communicate...

Welcome to My World – A Mother’s Annual Letter to New School Teachers

After seven years of parenting a child enrolled in the local public school system, I’ve come to understand that, at least in our neck of the woods, each new grade begins with an automatic and inherent “do-over” mechanism in place. Regardless of how many copies of reports, summaries of...

Executive Functions: Skills to Promote Success in School and Beyond

Many children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA) struggle with impairments in executive functioning (EF). Executive functions are defined as “an umbrella construct defined as the control, supervisory, or self-regulatory functions that organize and direct all...