Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Humor is Important to Your Child’s Social Development

Humor is important for children because being able to tell jokes and laugh with others helps them interact and make friends. Unfortunately, children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tell significantly fewer jokes than their typical peers. Not being able to understand humor or inspire...

Maximize Social Learning by Combining Portable Technologies and Proven Video Modeling Techniques

If you are looking for a way to bridge the social language gap to help kids with ASD, Asperger’s and other learning disabilities achieve success in social situations; interactive video modeling tops my list. This method has research-validated results, and I have seen my own clients grow by leaps...

Use Social Apps to Keep Skills Sharp Over the Summer

Summertime can be a welcome break from school for many students, who will cram as much sleeping in and having fun as they can into a few short months before the school year resumes. But the intrinsic break in routine can also spell disaster for some kids on the Autism spectrum or with other social...

Focus on Video Modeling Techniques for Inexpensive, Fast and Customized Solutions for Improving Social Skills

When my sister and I began Social Skill Builder in 1999, we were looking for a way to bridge the social language gap to help kids with ASD, Asperger’s and other learning disabilities achieve success in social situations. Social Skill Builder has created a series of learning tools that use videos...

Teaching Social Skills Through Video Modeling

Some children with Autism Spectrum Disorders have to cope with considerable deficits in social and communication skills. They may have difficulty understanding the expectations of them in certain social situations resulting in inappropriate behaviors. One intervention method that targets social...