Telehealth Program for People with I/DD Launches in New York

A new way of delivering healthcare to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) has come to New York. Launched in September, Premier HealthCare’s Telehealth Services enables patients with autism and other types of I/DD to access mental and physical health services without a...

Supporting the Social-Sexual Development of People on the Autism Spectrum

Sexuality refers to the total expression of who you are as a human being. Our sexuality begins in the womb and ends at death (Freud, 1986). Everyone is a sexual being, babies, children, teens, adults and the elderly. Sexuality is therefore experienced throughout the developmental lifespan. So why...

Mindfulness and ASD

Over the last couple of years, mindfulness, in particular Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), has been receiving more attention in the media. Mindfulness is often discussed as a new tool for managing life’s stressors and problems and, perhaps, a better way of approaching our daily lives....

Steps to Increasing the Success of a Behavior Plan

A large percentage of caregivers of children with autism will want (or need) to implement a behavior plan. When I ask a parent what he or she wants out of a behavior plan designed for his or her child the answer can usually be found among the following: “I want my child to be more compliant with...

The Impact of Bullying on Individuals with High Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and high functioning autism (HFA) often report being bullied at some point in their lives. Many describe in great detail the experience of being bullied, and some appear traumatized by the experience. In my clinical experience, individuals with AS and HFA...

Using Typical Peers as Role Models to Help Improve Social Skills for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) typically display great difficulties in social communication and social interaction skills. These skills are core deficits which quite often impede their interactions with peers and adults. Children on the spectrum often fail to interpret...

Using Video Modeling as an Evidence-Based Intervention for ASDs

New research indicates that video modeling is effective in enhancing social communication and functional skills in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Video modeling entails watching a video of a desired behavior and then imitating that behavior. Video models can be...

Psychiatric Disorders Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Co-existing psychiatric disorders in individuals on the autism spectrum are common. Based on clinical and community studies, there is strong evidence that up to 70 percent of people with autism meet diagnostic criteria for at least one emotional or behavioral disorder. The presence of these...

Transition to Adulthood – It’s Not Just About a Daytime Activity!

When people with autism and other developmental disabilities, their families and professionals discuss “transition planning,” the focus is generally on day programs, supported employment, advanced education or competitive employment. The transition from Department of Education services upon...

Making Family Rituals and Traditions Work for You

For the last 10 years, Jann Tobias’s family has celebrated New Year’s Eve with a family dinner. With careful attention to detail, she uses her aunt’s tablecloth and her grandmother’s china, making a beautiful presentation of her family’s favorite foods. Jann’s husband, Bob, carves the...