Empowering Families Online: Reducing Barriers through a Virtual, Group ESDM-based Caregiver Coaching Program

Autistic children often experience difficulties with language and communication development (Tager-Flushberg et al., 2005). Early intervention (EI) is an integral and highly efficacious tool to target and promote optimal development in this population (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015). By targeting...

ECHO Autism for Mental Health Clinicians: Creating Access to Specialized Care in Local Communities

The growing population of individuals on the autism spectrum who have co-occurring mental health conditions necessitates a workforce of mental health professionals who are competent and confident in working with these individuals. Unfortunately, the current research depicts a large gap between that...

Parent Education Program for Families of Children with Newly Diagnosed Autism

The proliferation of misinformation related to autism spectrum disorder has been an issue for decades and one that capitalizes on the vulnerabilities of the population at which it is targeted (Capuano & Killu, 2020). The most infamous example of the harm that misinformation in the autism...