Accommodating Communication Difficulties

Communication difficulties are common because most on the spectrum have difficulty reading body language and interpreting facial expressions or tone of voice – and 90% of interpersonal communication is nonverbal. Words can have different meanings depending upon tone and emphasis. This means the...

Accommodating Executive Function Deficits is Important for School Success

Individuals on the spectrum often need special modifications at school. Because everyone is unique, all teachers should have a written document explaining a little about how the student learns best and outlining agreed upon adaptations. There are many lists of possible accommodations for students...

The Social World of Work

Relationships with colleagues and bosses are often the biggest area of struggle for those on the autism spectrum. We live in a society where success is not based on merit, skill or dedication, but on sociability. Usually social and behavioral issues, rather than lack of technical skills, derail...

Presenting Yourself at the Interview

The employer liked your resume! You have been selected for an interview. You are excited but nervous because you know that often it’s often the candidate who interviews best, not the one with the best qualifications, who gets the job offer. Your goal is to persuade the buyer that you are the best...

Accommodations at School

Individuals on the spectrum often need special accommodations at school. There are many lists of possible accommodations for students on the autism spectrum. So much depends on how challenged the individual is, and in what areas the challenges present themselves. Ask, what are the barriers to your...

Improving Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Adults with ASD

According to recent data, just 15% of autism spectrum adults have full-time jobs, and 7 years after high school, 1/3 of young ASD adults still have no paid work experience. Many of those who are employed have checkered work careers, going from one job to another with long periods of...

Career Planning for People on the Autism Spectrum

As autistic kids graduate from high school and enter adulthood, parents ask, “What’s next?” Some will go to college, others won’t, but many will want to enter the work force. But what kind of work is the individual suited for? Everyone on the spectrum is different. Deciding on a career...

The Challenge of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs for Individuals on the Spectrum

As individuals on the spectrum, we're different. We try to conform to the mold. Yet no matter how hard we work, it's not good enough for the neurotypical (NT) world. The agencies that are supposed to serve the disabled can't assist us because we don't fit in with their usual population. When...