Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Posts Tagged ‘depression’

When Anxiety and Depression Coexist with Autism

Today, one in fifty-nine children are diagnosed with Autism. The characteristics of Autism often present in poor communicative and social skills, restricted or inappropriate affect and poor emotional regulation. Most of these individuals have significant functional impairments in one or more areas...

The Link Between Autism and Suicide Risk

Mr. A, a middle-aged chemist, came to a Baltimore emergency room after a suicide attempt. He said he was “thoroughly depressed.” He had been fired after throwing a chair at his boss, not his first outburst at work. Doctors admitted him to the hospital, where they became suspicious of his...

Adults with Autism May a Have High Burden of Health Problems

Adults with autism may suffer from various health problems, ranging from psychiatric conditions to motor symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease, according to two studies presented Thursday at the 2014 International Meeting for Autism Research in Atlanta. Some of the conditions may stem...

Autism and Bipolar Disorder

In individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, establishing an additional diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder can be very challenging. In the article below, Dr. Jessica Hellings and Dr. Andrea Witwer of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network ( discuss a study they conducted...