Posts Tagged ‘problem solving’

Pathways to Resolution of Special Education Conflicts

When conflict arises in an educational setting, there are multiple ways to resolve it. Some are small and easily resolved but may potentially lead to bigger conflicts and issues. Sometimes the conflict is substantial, and a resolution harder to achieve. Understanding different available methods of...

Social Problem Solving: Best Practices for Youth with ASD

Joey, age 9, has been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and due to his high functioning has been mainstreamed into a fourth grade classroom with a shadow. His challenging behaviors typically center on his peer interactions in spite of adequate academic performance. When in a group...

Positive Psychology Offers Guideposts for Optimism to Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum

As young people on the autism spectrum look ahead towards adult life, they and their families often feel anxious as they think about entering unknown territory. It can be reassuring to know that having an autism spectrum diagnosis does mean that a person cannot enjoy a mentally healthy life in...