Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Services, Treatments, and Interventions’ Category

Applied Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior

In 1981 O. Ivar Lovaas published his groundbreaking ABA manual, Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children: The ME Book. Countless therapists and families have been able to help their children learn life-altering skills such as socialization, language, and activities of daily living thanks to the...

Interventions to Reduce Escape and Avoidant Behaviors in Individuals with Autism

People with autism spectrum disorders can display behaviors that present challenges to educators, parents, and other caregivers such as aggression, self-injury, disruption, property destruction, and elopement. When such problem behaviors are present, the first step is to conduct a functional...

Understanding and Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders

Not until the middle of the twentieth century was there a name for a disorder that now appears to affect an estimated one of every five hundred children, a disorder that causes disruption in families and unfulfilled lives for many children. At the same time a German scientist, Dr. Hans Asperger,...

Dimensions of Quality: Best For Educating Students with ASD

Learners with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have diverse and unique needs. They struggle with attention, communication, cognitive delays, and behavioral control. Their learning and behavioral challenges are highly idiosyncratic, and educating students with ASD requires a fully individualized,...