Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Services, Treatments, and Interventions’ Category

Comprehensive Approach to Working with Individuals with Autism

Families and individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders receive an endless bombardment of information pertaining to various therapies and approaches to address their complex needs. Navigating these therapies can be extremely confusing and for many it has become something comparable to a full time...

Positive Psychology Offers Guideposts for Optimism to Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum

As young people on the autism spectrum look ahead towards adult life, they and their families often feel anxious as they think about entering unknown territory. It can be reassuring to know that having an autism spectrum diagnosis does mean that a person cannot enjoy a mentally healthy life in...

How Science and Evidence Won Out Against Auditory Integration Therapies

There are many ways of learning about our world. One way is through science and the scientific process. There is a growing belief that the methods of science and scientific inquiry are the standards that should be employed when designing and evaluating autism treatments. Ideally, by adhering to...

An Overview of Strategies to Address Food Selectivity and Refusal in Individuals with Autism

Feeding difficulties are common in typically developing children (2-35%), and are even more common in children with developmental problems (33-80%; Babbitt, Hoch, & Coe, 1994; Burklow, Phelps, et al, 1998). Feeding difficulties in individuals with autism is one of the most challenging...

Social Coping and Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Power Combination of Psychology and Speech Language Interventions

Throughout our years working with the ASD population, parents often inquire about whether their child should be receiving speech-language or psychological services. The answer is frequently “both.” Research demonstrates that individuals with ASDs are at great risk for developing significant...

Using Video Modeling as an Evidence-Based Intervention for ASDs

New research indicates that video modeling is effective in enhancing social communication and functional skills in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Video modeling entails watching a video of a desired behavior and then imitating that behavior. Video models can be...

Demystifying Aggression: Developing Effective Interventions

Aggression is likely the most problematic of all issues that may accompany autism spectrum conditions in terms of separating individuals from the mainstream and significantly affecting many aspects of quality of life. For children and adults alike, problems with aggression can sabotage life...

Make Every Moment Count: Steer Clear of Fad Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have the formidable responsibility of ensuring that their children receive the most effective treatments available within a sufficient time period. However, many parents are ill prepared to make timely and well-informed decisions about what...

New Treatments on the Horizon for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Much of the treatment for autism spectrum disorders has focused exclusively on early intervention and childhood treatment programs. These programs are quite helpful for individuals and families as they move through the educational system and provide children with autism spectrum disorders...

Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Spanish-Speaking Families

Autism diagnoses among children of Latino descent have risen more than 90 percent since 2002, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study released in December 2009. While the reasons for this are multifaceted, Dr. Charles Cartwright, Director of the YAI Autism Center,...