Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Archive for the ‘Transition to Adulthood’ Category

Helpful Hints From the Trenches: What to Expect in College

The first day of college can be a little scary just like any first day in a new school or a new grade. I would like to share with you some of my experiences and offer some helpful tips so you too can survive college and have a successful and positive experience. What was very helpful for me in...

Helping Students on the Autism Spectrum Succeed in College

Over the past few years, an increasing number of students on the autism spectrum have begun to consider college a viable option. In response to the growing interest in postsecondary education for students with disabilities, many universities are developing special college support programs. We have...

Transition to Adulthood – It’s Not Just About a Daytime Activity!

When people with autism and other developmental disabilities, their families and professionals discuss “transition planning,” the focus is generally on day programs, supported employment, advanced education or competitive employment. The transition from Department of Education services upon...

Transition Planning for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Where Are They Going? Why There? How Do We Get Them There?

Individuals with autism spectrum disorders receive tremendous amounts of specialized intervention during their educational years. During that time, the focus is generally on skill acquisition and behavior reduction, with a general goal of increasing competence. These interventions are often not...

Top 10 Areas of Support for Young Adults with Learning Differences as They Transition to College

As the number of people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders including Asperger’s syndrome, ADD, and other learning differences explodes to nearly one in 100, it is important to address the type of support these individuals will need as they transition to college. Most college age adults...

Beyond High School: Building a Meaningful L.I.F.E.

Several years ago, at an Advisory Board meeting for what is now the Abilis Autism Program, a parent said, “You know, some of our kids are going to be ready to leave high school in a few years. You need to start thinking now about how our agency will be best able to meet their needs.” And so we...

Your Child is Turning 18 – Now What?

A Primer on Guardianship and Surrogate Decision Making for the Parent of a Special Needs Child You have protected and advocated fiercely for your child with special needs, almost since the day she was born. You fought insurance companies, school systems, you name it; all to get your special...

Navigating the Transitional Years – With a Little Help

Each year, Andrea Melvin welcomes young adults with autism spectrum disorders to Manhattan Employment Services at YAI/National Institute for People with Disabilities, where she is supervisor. Having aged out of the school system, these young adults are often highly motivated to work and have...

Adulthood: It’s Closer Than You Think

It is difficult to think about the future; when you are just trying to make it through each day. In the early 1990’s when my son, Matthew was first diagnosed with autism and for many years later I consistently pushed any thoughts about his future away. Inevitably, the passage of time and the new...

Filling the Gaps: Developing Programs for the Lifespan

The number of children being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has, without a doubt, been increasing rapidly over the past 20 years. The increase can be attributed to several factors, a few of which make it clear that many children with autism spectrum disorders went undiagnosed in the...