Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Transition to Adulthood’ Category

Leaving School Behind – Next Stop, Adulthood

The prospect of adulthood is particularly complex for individuals affected by developmental disability, their families, and the people who care about them. Like their peers, they have accumulated two decades’ worth of experiences, their bodies have matured, and they are considered to be...

The Road to Adulthood

Transition from school to the adult world is exhilarating for some, terrifying for others. Some families have described it “like falling off a cliff and never knowing when we will hit the bottom or climb back to the precipice.” This time is well-described by the hundreds of families who worry...

Making the Most of the 18-21 Period – Advantages of a Dedicated Transition Center

Early adulthood is a critical period for young adults with ASD and their families. Although students have been preparing for transition for many years, the process takes on new urgency as adulthood is imminent. Families know that much is at stake in shaping the course of students’ futures. The...

The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit – A Guide to Assist Families on the Journey from Adolescence to Adulthood

In an effort to help families and their adolescents with autism more smoothly navigate the challenging transition into adulthood, Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, launched in February 2010 the Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit, a unique guide and...

Blueprint for an Asperger Syndrome College Support Program

In that Asperger Syndrome (AS) was first included as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-IV in 1994, it seems likely that many of the children born after that date who were diagnosed with AS have received academic and social services throughout their school years. These services have enabled them to...

Comprehensive Transition and Post-Secondary Programs – An Emerging Model for Transitioning Individuals with ASDs to Adulthood

For many higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, the road to independence and adulthood can be very puzzling. Although the student may possess the intellectual ability and be “otherwise qualified” to attend college or post-secondary vocational training, their...

I Know the Elements of the Periodic Table, But I Can’t Make My Bed

Increased attention has been recently given to the needs of individuals with disabilities who are transitioning from high school, particularly those individuals with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders because of their unique and specific needs. Many individuals with High-Functioning ASDs...

The Unique Needs of Students with ASDs Transitioning to College

It has been clearly established that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders have difficulty with transitions. One major transition for a young person is the transition from secondary educational settings to the college environment. It can be overwhelming for any college freshman, but it is...

Helpful Hints From the Trenches: What to Expect in College

The first day of college can be a little scary just like any first day in a new school or a new grade. I would like to share with you some of my experiences and offer some helpful tips so you too can survive college and have a successful and positive experience. What was very helpful for me in...

Helping Students on the Autism Spectrum Succeed in College

Over the past few years, an increasing number of students on the autism spectrum have begun to consider college a viable option. In response to the growing interest in postsecondary education for students with disabilities, many universities are developing special college support programs. We have...